
Professional marketing translations

300+ translators • affordable prices • quickly

Already over 120 million characters translated

Specialized marketing translation

A well-written marketing text should be creative, understandable and stand out from similar texts in other languages. At Lector, we offer quality translations of PR materials, newsletters and website content. Our translators have in-depth brand knowledge, consumer insight and a lot of creativity, as they have to translate the source text into the target language culture, beyond simple translation. Our specialist translators are also supported by our web developers in publishing online content and newsletters.

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15+ years of

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13,074 customers

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Why choose Lector if you need professional marketing translation?

Our translators are qualified translators and marketing specialists, with high standards and years of experience in translation in specific language contexts. Lector Translation Agency's parent company is Corpus Communications, so we have relevant knowledge in the fields of marketing and communications. Our experienced colleagues will help you optimise your SEO and Google Adwords so that the translated text attracts customers as much as the original - if not more.

Get a translation quote now!

We translate into 40 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Russian, Slovak, Czech, Spanish, Portuguese, Croatian, Slovenian, Swedish, Dutch, Ukrainian, Asian and African languages.

We translate the following documents

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Search engine optimisation

One of the biggest challenges for our experienced online marketing translators is getting the right keywords in different languages for different brands. We also provide websites with informative and relevant keywords in the translated languages so that they remain easy to find.

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Our specialist translators with relevant communication and design skills can translate any offline or online material, ensuring that the translated material remains creative. We are experienced in translating magazines, brochures, leaflets, postcards. We can also provide pre-press and production services for printed materials on request.

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In a leaflet presenting a product or event, there is limited space to include the most important information. Our specialist translators pay attention to the length of the translated text and to ensuring that the translation is accurate but eye-catching. You can also choose us if you need other offline marketing material, posters, stickers or billboards translated.

Social media

Nowadays, advertising and marketing messages on social media platforms are becoming increasingly popular. Our specialist translators with communications experience are familiar with the current trends in the use of social media in major languages. Let us translate your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter pages and mobile apps.

Newsletters, articles

It is important to us that the written material sent to the intended audience remains professionally authentic after translation. Our experienced translators make sure that the right terminology is used in circulars, PR and technical articles for specific target audiences. Our web developers help optimise text and images so that they can be easily imported into eDM delivery systems such as MailChimp.

Personal customer service

Everything can be done online most of the time, but we also offer personalised customer service that is always available to you and your business partners. Our management is always all ears. Our Project Manager gladly assists you at any time.

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Frequently asked questions

What is marketing translation?

Any text can be considered a marketing text, the purpose of which is to present or promote a company or product. In today's world, there is a great competition for the attention of customers, and those who can attract attention effectively and in several languages can gain a huge advantage. Good marketing copy and quality translations make this effective attention-getting possible, whether it's a leaflet, an offer or even a whole website.

Who translates marketing texts?

They are usually translators with PR and marketing experience, who have worked in communications companies and are familiar with professional texts. It's important to have no problem translating creatively to ensure the most eye-catching and informative translation for the intended audience, or if the aim is search engine optimisation (also known as SEO), for example, to include the right keywords in the text.

Why hire a professional translator for your marketing translation?

It is easy for lay people to think that everyone can write text. That may be, but writing copy that puts the right words in the right place, maximises reach and can generate business from that reach is something that far fewer people can do. What is true for copywriting is equally true for translation: you can translate literally, just the dry facts, and you can translate in a way that 'translates' the attention-grabbing and sales-encouraging elements. That's why it makes sense to entrust such tasks to a professional marketing translator.

How can I increase the efficiency of my marketing translation?

When ordering a marketing translation, it is a good idea to share as much background information as possible with the translator. It's important to know who you want to reach, where you want to reach them and exactly what you want to achieve with the marketing source file. The translator will take into account the different language and idiosyncrasies of the source text, for example, some texts are more effective when they are written in a colloquial form, others in a more colloquial form. Always tell us as much as possible about the intended use and the better the marketing translation will be.

Is a paid translation by a professional translator better value than free online translation?

It is always up to the marketing material and the way it will be used to decide whether it is appropriate and sufficient to entrust the task to an online translation program or whether it is important to have an accurate and precise translation. In general, when preparing materials for clients and partners, it is essential to work with a translation by a professional translator, because these materials represent the company's image in everyday life. Simpler online translations should be chosen for correspondence or small internal texts.

Translation of marketing materials -  marketing plans, marketing reports

Advertising translation - creative translation, advertising copy adaptation, advertising campaign translation, advertising, slogan, motto

PR translation - public relations translation, press material translation, speech translation, translation of PR materials, translation of PR articles, extract preparation in foreign languages

Media translation - video translation and subtitling translation, voice-overs, dubbing

Business marketing translation - proposal translation, presentation translation, business plan translation, market research translation, market analysis translation, market research results, market research questionnaire