
Professional German translation

certified and native translators

affordable price - speed - guarantee - certificate

German translation prices


Do you need a specialised German translation?

Find out more about our German specialisations...

Get a German translation quote now!

Business translation

Our economically and legally qualified employees produce high-quality business translations with great expertise and significant translation experience. Different but related business materials are translated using the same terms and recurring consistent phrases, in most cases in the same form as the original document.
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Legal translation

Professional translation can be the deciding factor in a contract, an attorney‘s statement, a credit agreement, a lawsuit or any other law-related matter. Our qualified translators will issue, if desired, a certified translation with signature and seal, a so-called ’official’ translation.
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Medical translation

Medical translation
We have many years of experience in providing medical and pharmaceutical translations to the largest companies in the healthcare industry. With our translators specialised in pharmaceuticals, we provide medical translations of the highest quality to our partners using specific vocabulary and phrasings in every language.
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Marketing specialised translation

Special needs must also be met when translating online marketing content. For translating Google Ads keyword lists, we search for linguistically short, brief terms while optimising websites for SEO. In addition, our translators collaborate with web development colleagues when translating websites, newsletters and frequently updated online content.
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Financial translation

In the case of balance sheets, business reports and accounting documents, it is essential that the professional translators prepare themselves for these specific translations. We always provide professional translations in collaboration with linguistic specialists from the financial industry. In that way, documents will not only be translated, but also be 100% correct content-wise.
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Business translation

Our economically and legally qualified employees produce high-quality business translations with great expertise and significant translation experience. Different but related business materials are translated using the same terms and recurring consistent phrases, in most cases in the same form as the original document.
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Website translation

In most cases, when translating web pages, not only text content should be properly displayed in all translated languages, but also the captions of illustrations, tables and graphics. This is generally referred to as ’localization’. We will help you creating professional language localization in any language spoken in the world.
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Document translation

Short translations of certificates, declarations or any other type of official document required for employment and learning will be prepared in a short time and, if desired, be signed and sealed.
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Why choose Lector translation agency?


Unique business expressions, dedicated translators, cost-centred invoices and corporate discounts help our partners to get their documents translated quickly and easily. Our long-term contracts grant extra discounts.


Fast translations are essential to every business. We pay special attention to the specific requests of our customers. Short deadlines are sure to be met by our hardworking translators, even during weekends.


Translation prices are always fair and correct! Our accurate quotations allow customers to calculate prices at any given time. We provide a discount price based on the document to be translated and the deadline, which always results in cost-effective translations.


Our translators take care of translations in any field, whether it be technical, legal, medical or any other type of field. With more than a decade of experience and commitment under our belt, our professional business translations are guaranteed to be of excellent quality.


With just a few clicks, you can submit a request for a detailed quote that can be ordered right away. You can easily download or request the finished translation, which will be sent to your email address. You can either pay online by card or by transfer. We will provide you with a detailed and cost-based bill for convenient settling.


Securing your business material and data is our main priority. Documents can always be uploaded to and downloaded from the server of our agency via a secure channel. We treat content and personal information very discreetly.

Lector is the translation agency of choice


Frequently asked questions

How much does a German translation cost?

For business translations, the primary requirement is outstanding quality, but equally important is the best value for money. German-Hungarian translations are available at Lector for as little as 2.59 HUF net per character.

Is there an official German translation?

Official translations are also produced by several translation agencies in the country, such as Lector. In such cases, the translation is stamped and signed to certify its accuracy, completeness and conformity with the original.

What is the difference between general and business German translation?

All good quality translations must be grammatically and substantively correct, but for business translations, the standards are even higher. It is important that these translations are produced by translators who are familiar with the language of the specialist fields. The translation of a German legal text can be as specialised as the localisation of a medical report or even a technical document. It is worth using a specialist translator.

Is there a German translation agency in Hungary?

In a globalised world, it is no longer the location of the service that matters, but the quality of the service provided. As in the case of German translations, it is the native translators, the years of professional experience and the thousands of documents translated that most distinguish translation agencies. It is worth looking for a German specialist translator like Lector Translation Agency.

Is it possible to get a native German translator to translate?

Yes, several of our colleagues are native German speakers, which ensures that their translations are both grammatically and substantively appropriate for a native German-speaking reader.

Did you know this about the German language?

  • German is the mother tongue of 120 million people in Europe, the most widely spoken language in Europe, and the official language of Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, northern Italy, eastern France and parts of Belgium. It is the second most important language in the world, next to English.
  • In science and technology, German is the second most important language in the world.
  • In German, the different ways of greeting people tell you a lot about their origin. If someone enters a room and greets you with “Guten Tag!”, you know that they are either from northern Germany or a foreigner. The only form of greeting used in Baden-Württemberg is “Grüß Gott!”. A “Servus!” greeting indicates Austrian origin, while a “moin-moin!” greeting is most likely to be from Hamburg.
  • Pronouns in German. It is worth learning the forms of verbs in German. It is considered very impolite to put anyone down. Germans have no problem in calling their colleagues, neighbours or dear acquaintances names. Despite this, relations between people are cordial and they give each other respect. In the German-speaking world, everyone from the age of 18 onwards is called everyone, both of the same age and of the same sex. No older person ever talks down to a younger person.
  • In the broad sense, there are two main varieties of German (languages, dialects). Low German (Niederdeutsch or Plattdeutsch, also known as Nedderdüütsch or Plattdüütsch). In its sound system (and, in some dialects, in its grammar), Low German spoken in the north differs so significantly from “Hochdeutsch” spoken in the south that users of “Hochdeutsch” do not even understand it, and so today Low German is considered a language in its own right. The other variant of German in the narrower sense is one of the High Germanic languages.
  • Find out more about the history of German on Wikipedia.