
Professional Japanese Translation

300+ translators - affordable price - speed

Already over 120 million characters translated

The translation agency of choice is Lector

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プロフェッショナル日本語訳 • Need a specialised Japanese translation?

Find out more about our areas of expertise...

Business translation

Our economically and legally qualified employees produce high-quality business translations with great expertise and significant translation experience. Different but related business materials are translated using the same terms and recurring consistent phrases, in most cases in the same form as the original document.
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Legal translation

Professional translation can be the deciding factor in a contract, an attorney‘s statement, a credit agreement, a lawsuit or any other law-related matter. Our qualified translators will issue, if desired, a certified translation with signature and seal, a so-called ’official’ translation.
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Medical translation

Medical translation
We have many years of experience in providing medical and pharmaceutical translations to the largest companies in the healthcare industry. With our translators specialised in pharmaceuticals, we provide medical translations of the highest quality to our partners using specific vocabulary and phrasings in every language.
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Marketing specialised translation

Special needs must also be met when translating online marketing content. For translating Google Ads keyword lists, we search for linguistically short, brief terms while optimising websites for SEO. In addition, our translators collaborate with web development colleagues when translating websites, newsletters and frequently updated online content.
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Financial translation

In the case of balance sheets, business reports and accounting documents, it is essential that the professional translators prepare themselves for these specific translations. We always provide professional translations in collaboration with linguistic specialists from the financial industry. In that way, documents will not only be translated, but also be 100% correct content-wise.
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Technical translation

When it comes to manuals, operating instructions, production documentation and specifications, or any other technological description, tender documentation, professional credibility depends on the proper use of the language. Our technical translators are specialists in several different technical fields and will provide you with professional translations by using their expertise.
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Website translation

In most cases, when translating web pages, not only text content should be properly displayed in all translated languages, but also the captions of illustrations, tables and graphics. This is generally referred to as ’localization’. We will help you creating professional language localization in any language spoken in the world.
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Document translation

Short translations of certificates, declarations or any other type of official document required for employment and learning will be prepared in a short time and, if desired, be signed and sealed.
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Why choose Lector?


Unique business expressions, dedicated translators, cost-centred invoices and corporate discounts help our partners to get their documents translated quickly and easily. Our long-term contracts grant extra discounts.


Fast translations are essential to every business. We pay special attention to the specific requests of our customers. Short deadlines are sure to be met by our hardworking translators, even during weekends.


Translation prices are always fair and correct! Our accurate quotations allow customers to calculate prices at any given time. We provide a discount price based on the document to be translated and the deadline, which always results in cost-effective translations.


Our translators take care of translations in any field, whether it be technical, legal, medical or any other type of field. With more than a decade of experience and commitment under our belt, our professional business translations are guaranteed to be of excellent quality.


With just a few clicks, you can submit a request for a detailed quote that can be ordered right away. You can easily download or request the finished translation, which will be sent to your email address. You can either pay online by card or by transfer. We will provide you with a detailed and cost-based bill for convenient settling.


Securing your business material and data is our main priority. Documents can always be uploaded to and downloaded from the server of our agency via a secure channel. We treat content and personal information very discreetly.

Did you know about the Japanese language?

  • Japanese is the sixth most widely spoken language in the world, spoken by around 130 million people. The Japanese economy is one of the largest and most developed in the world, and for decades, knowledge of the language has been extremely useful in business.
  • Variations. There is a standard, official version based on the Tokyo dialect. In addition, there are various dialects, but the vast majority of these do not differ to such an extent as to impede understanding.
  • The origin of the Japanese language is still disputed. Various groups of researchers claim that it is related to Altaic, Ryuu, or Korean. The Japanese language has adopted many characters and words from Chinese, but apart from these, the two languages do not share many similarities.
  • Typology. Japanese is an agglutinative, conjugative language.
  • Punctuation marks. Chinese characters are also used in Japan. Chinese characters are made up of strokes: a stroke lasts until you lift the brush, or nowadays a pen. The strokes are grouped into roots, and the characters are made up of these roots. 214 historical roots are distinguished, and these are arranged in ascending order according to the number of strokes. Each sign has a key root to look up in the dictionary, which, if you are lucky, is usually on the left and/or top of the page, and is often referred to generically as the "root". In Japan there are also two different syllabic systems, katakana and hiragana. Both consist of 46 characters and a few sub-signs. Since the syllable structure of the Japanese language is very fixed, this is the number of characters that can cover all the syllables in Japanese and write everything that can be pronounced. Katakana is used when foreign words need to be transcribed, as well as for words that imitate sounds.
  • Centring. In the old Japanese writing system, there is no punctuation mark, so the context and the position of the words determine the meaning of the sentence. To understand the structure of the text, the signs used today are helpful. There are also no spaces, and the characters follow one after the other.
  • A misconception: Japanese and Chinese are related languages. However, their writing is similar only because the Japanese, like other neighbouring peoples, have adopted the Chinese system. The grammar of the two languages is completely different, and in Japan, grammatical elements are written in hiragana.
  • Find out more about the history of the Japanese language here.

Frequently asked questions

Can I get it translated from Hungarian into Japanese?

Hungarian-Japanese translation is no longer a speciality. For translators with many years of experience in the field, translating Hungarian-language materials into Japanese is a daily routine. When requesting a quote, the source language should be Hungarian or the language of the source document, and the target language should be Japanese.

How much does Japanese translation cost?

The price of a Japanese translation is primarily determined by the ratio. It is cheaper to translate from Japanese to Hungarian than from Hungarian to Japanese. Translating from a foreign language may be slightly more expensive. In all cases, it is advisable to request an individual quote, as this will give you an accurate calculation in a few minutes.

What Japanese interpretation is available?

Our Japanese interpreters provide simultaneous, consecutive and consecutive interpretation in Hungarian and English. In the first case, the interpreter interprets through headphones at the same time as the speaker, and in the second case, the interpreter translates between the speaker's sentences.

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Useful tips when ordering a translation

A truly professional business translation starts with the request for proposal! Read our collection of tips to help you order professional translations more easily and cost-effectively.

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